Tank Size and Water Parameters:
Tank Size
Minimum 15 gallons
72-82°F (22-28°C)
Soft to medium, 2-10 dGH
We Recommend:
These carefully selected options provide a well-balanced nutritional profile, ensuring that your fish receive the essential nutrients they need for optimal growth, vibrant colors, and overall health. By offering a variety of these high-quality foods, you can help maintain the vitality and well-being of your fish, promoting a healthy and thriving aquarium environment.
Behavior and Compatibility:
Lemon Tetras are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 6 to feel secure, which also enhances their natural behavior and color display. They are peaceful and can be housed with other non-aggressive fish of similar size and water parameter requirements, such as other tetras, rasboras, small corydoras, and peaceful bottom dwellers. Avoid larger, aggressive fish that might see them as snacks.
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